Resident's Input | Awake! Awake Towards Recognition

Poem by: Christopher Riley
Awake Lawrence Heights – return to your home;
Depart from your sleep and captive groans.
Have no more despair and get rid of grief;
LHAC was formed at this time for your relief.
Be loose of your bonds and your restraints;
Shake the dust of defeat where hopelessness reigns.
No longer be exiled here, filled with despair;
LHAC will redeem this community out of its fear.
Be open and ready for the presence of LHAC;
You’re freed by our mandate—we focus your art.
We speak for our community through and through;
We express all art works—that’s what we do.
Cry out aloud to your innermost self;
Through it your best expression are done well.
Our art helps us to contend, with depressing times;
We can then harvest our best fruits with our minds.
Let’s honour and pray for the best LHAC can do;
It intercedes for us though it poor too.
Exhibits, displays, outreach and tuition;
LHAC pushes all walls to bring us attention.
Let’s empower our LHAC to deliver our speech;
Entrust it with our art with its quantum leap.
Its spirit-filled programs to equip youth to succeed;
Is a core value of LHAC why it’s in the lead.
So awake to the dream for a passion rise;
Awake to better economy or income in sight.
Awake to art that express our community truths;
Awake to LHAC’s work and let’s harvest our youths.